Ravenna, Italy, trader discovered with 270 million cryptocurrencies

RAVENNA (ITALPRESS) – Under the direction of the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Ravenna, financiers from the local Nucleo di Polizia Economico-Finanziaria and the Nucleo Speciale Tutela Privacy e Frodi Tecnologiche in Rome (a specialized department of the Corps with national competence in combating offenses perpetrated through the web and the use of IT means and tools) concluded a complex investigation activity that allowed them to unveil a huge tax evasion, carried out through investments in cryptocurrency by a Faenza man.

Highly specialized personnel on the strength of the Rome-based Nucleo Speciale Tutela Privacy e Frodi Tecnologiche (Special Unit for the Protection of Privacy and Technological Fraud), capable of effectively employing state-of-the-art blockchain analysis software, identified a number of particularly capacious cryptocurrency wallets and were able to attribute them with certainty to the suspect.

On the basis of the investigations synergistically carried out by the two departments of the Fiamme Gialle, already during the preliminary investigations, it emerged how the expert and skilled trader in virtual currency (from Ravenna) had not only failed to comply with tax monitoring obligations, but at the same time had failed to declare for income purposes the substantial capital gains realized as a result of trading with cryptocurrencies: this circumstance allowed the financiers to proceed with a seizure of cryptocurrencies of the bitcoin and avalanche type, with a countervalue in euros of approximately 11 million euros constituting the illicit profit.

Additional information was analyzed on the exact scale of the financial activity carried out by the trader, who was not limited to “earning” from the mere buying and selling of cryptocurrencies. In fact, the significant availability of cryptoactivity achieved – which touched a countervalue of more than 270 million euros – allowed the same to place it also as a guarantee of the validity and success of transactions carried out on the network by third parties, arriving at a cyclical reinvestment, always in the digital sphere, of the fruits of the same financial transactions.

On the basis of the substantial body of evidence collected overall by investigators, the same trader decided to offer his cooperation during the criminal investigation directed by the Ravenna Public Prosecutor’s Office and in the tax assessment phase through the submission of supplementary tax returns for the years 2017, 2018 and 2019 and adherence to the invitation of the local Ravenna Revenue Agency. Moreover, the declaration obligations for tax years for which the terms for assessment had not yet expired were duly fulfilled, thereby preventing any further evasive conduct and achieving a total payment into the treasury coffers of approximately 12.5 million euros.

– photo: press office Guardia di Finanza –