Renzi “Meloni is destroying the country’s institutional ties”

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “The ICC investigation worries me, but it is only the tip of the iceberg. What you can’t see is even more dangerous.” Italia Viva leader Matteo Renzi says this in an interview with La Stampa.
“Meloni is systematically destroying the country’s institutional ties.” “I think,” he adds, “also of the rift in the secret services,” he adds, “of Rai being used as a megaphone of the government starting with Bruno Vespa, of the head of the Dap leaving because Delmastro has made scorched earth around him, of the Digos arresting a criminal and them releasing him. Also, “they brought home a torturer and the premier runs away: crazy.” On Nordio he says, “More than disappointed,” he says, “I am shocked: in fact, he is the spokesman for that sadistic vigilante who is Delmastro. Nordio was supposed to change Fdi’s justicialism: instead Fdi changed him.” He adds, “I would never send home a torturer, a rapist, a killer. However, if there is a national interest, the premier goes to Parliament and says so. Meloni, on the other hand, has run away.”
About the intelligence services: “The Garbatella sisters see conspiracies everywhere: they have unleashed a manhunt in the Agencies, an absurd ‘give it to the untore.’ It will take years to get the river back into the banks.” The Paragon case? “If the Secret Service did it, it’s serious. If they didn’t do it, it’s very serious. The government cannot lie about that too.”
-photo Ipa Agency –