Rocco Micaletto is the new chief medical officer of Mypetclinic veterinary clinics

MILAN (ITALPRESS) – Rocco Micaletto is the new chief medical officer of Mypetclinic Veterinary Clinics. A veterinary physician with decades of experience in veterinary surgery and orthopedics, Micaletto has been a member of such scientific societies as SCIVAC (Italian Veterinary Companion Animal Cultural Society), ESVOT (European Society of Veterinary Orthopaedics and Traumatology), SCVI (Italian Veterinary Surgical Society) and SIOVET (Italian Society of Veterinary Orthopedics) since 1994.

In 2002, he founded the Micaletto Gamba Veterinary Clinic, which was later expanded and transformed in 2016 into Baioni Veterinary Hospital Srl – STP, where he is currently medical director and head of the surgery and orthopedics department. In 2013, he is among the ranks of the founding members of SICEV (Italian Society of Veterinary Endoscopic Surgery), through which he actively contributes to the innovation of minimally invasive techniques in the veterinary field. But that’s not all: his involvement in the field also extends to veterinary management and ergonomics. Since 1997 he has been a member of SIMV (Italian Society of Veterinary Management), while since 2017 he has joined SIE (Italian Society of Ergonomics and Human Factors).

A consultant in ergonomic design, organizational wellness and management for clinics throughout Italy, Micaletto assumed the role of Chief Medical Officer of Mypetclinic on February 1, 2025, bringing his many years of experience and strategic vision in veterinary care to this innovative project supported by Arcaplanet. Mypetclinic aims to promote animal health not only through treatment, but also through constant preventive activities. This is an important project that Arcaplanet has been supporting since 2023, offering a range of benefits on veterinary services in primary care and specialist visits to Arcacard-holding clients.

– Mypetclinic press office photo –