Salvini “Autonomy is law, no going back”

BERGAMO (ITALPRESS) – “Autonomy is law, and there is no going back.” This was stated by League secretary and deputy premier Matteo Salvini, speaking from the stage in Pontida for the Carroccio party. “The only ones who are afraid of Autonomy,” he added, “are the incapable leftist politicians, who have been stealing votes and trust from their peoples for 50 years.
Then, on the maneuver, he said, “If someone has to pay something more, let them pay the bankers and not the workers. Our goal is to lower taxes on VAT numbers and raise wages for workers.” And on the government, he stressed, “It is compact, it is composed of friends before allies. Occasionally we argue but then a solution is always found.” On the immigration front, “the problem is not the color of your skin or where the good Lord had you born, however, the recipe for the coming years is not to grant more citizenships or give them away as fast as possible. The priority, for the League, is to revoke citizenship from those who commit crimes,” said Salvini, who then added, “Citizenship is an act of faith. It is the second set of keys to our house, but if you betray this faith against those who guaranteed you school welfare and health care, and then you deal, rape and kill, the solution is only: take away your citizenship and go back to your country. We don’t need any more thugs.” Then, addressing the Hungarian premier, Viktor Orban, and the other straieri guests. He said, “You give us strength.”
– photo Photogram Agency –