Salvini “I risk jail time because the left wanted revenge”

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “I hope common sense prevails, because defending borders is not a crime. It is embarrassing to have to think about this process, as we are facing important challenges and the macroeconomic data are positive: employment rate at 62.2 percent, unemployment at an all-time low at 6.8 percent.” Thus, in an interview with Libero, Deputy Prime Minister and League leader Matteo Salvini about the Open arms trial in which he is accused in Palermo of kidnapping for closing the ports to illegal immigration when he was Interior Minister. Today the indictment. And when asked if he would make those choices again, he replied, “Absolutely. I kept my word with the voters, who were asking to stop the landings, decreasing the tragedies in the Mediterranean. From August 1, 2017 to July 31, 2018, with the Pd’s Marco Minniti at the Viminal, there were 42,700 landings. From August 1, 2018 to July 31, 2019, with me in the Viminal, the landings were 8,691. From Aug. 1, 2019 to July 3l, 2020, with Luciana Lamorgese at the Viminal (liked by the Pd), the landings were 21,618. That is why the League has already planned for the next two weekends mobilization in hundreds of Italian cities – complete with signature collection – to argue that the Palermo trial is not a trial of the secretary of the League or the former minister, but a trial of Italy and the consistency of those who did what they promised.” According to Salvini, “there is a political responsibility of the left, which decided to take revenge on me by sending me to trial. A desperate move, of those who do not know how to win at the ballot box and then try to eliminate their rivals through the courts. A movie we have already seen with Silvio Berlusconi and are seeing – in some respects – even with Donald Trump.” And to the question of whether there has been a change in Europe in dealing with the migration problem, he replies, “The von der Leyen commission has been a failure but some European countries have tightened policies on returns, I am thinking of Germany: the facts are proving us right. To have left Italy alone is to have damaged all of Europe. And now we are trying to run for cover.”
Then, on the League’s battle to save the endothermic engine, he comments, “Even on the issue of traditional engines, Europe is proving us right. Even in Germany, there is a debate about whether to cancel the ban on the production of gasoline and diesel vehicles from 2035. As for Stellantis, all Italians are clear about the state’s efforts to the tune of billions. About Stellantis, I am always ready for confrontation but I would like to meet with laid-off workers, technicians and unions as a priority.” While on the issue of Automomia, he adds, “I am not worried by the partisan and self-serving campaign of some leftist regions that make misinformation. Sardinia has a special statute but would like to deny autonomy to others. Bonaccini and Schleinha’s Emilia-Romagna has changed its mind and is now in love with centralism. I am convinced that Autonomy will improve the country, bringing decision-making centers closer to the territory: when citizens touch some of the advantages, reality will be stronger than the propaganda of Pd and MSS. I also talked about this with Umberto Bossi a few days ago: I intend to visit him again with Ministers Calderoli and Giorgetti as well to update him.”
Regarding relations with Forza Italia, “I am sure they have understood that some reforms such as ius scholae-that is, easy citizenship-are not a priority for a country that grants one of the highest numbers of citizenships on the entire continent. Rather, the League will propose the withdrawal of citizenship from immigrants who commit crimes in Italy. Open doors for those who integrate and respect our laws and culture, closed ports for everyone else. Beware, however: if the left thinks it will split the majority, it will be disappointed. This is demonstrated by the many measures we are working on.”
And with regard to the Budget Law, for the League the minimum goals are: “Protection of pensions, an increase of up to 100 euros net per month for those who earn up to 35 thousand euros a year, more funds for health care. The blanket is short,” Salvini stressed, “but we are responsible and reasonable: I am optimistic. Then, on the October 6 appointment in Pontida, he stresses “precisely to remember Europe’s battle to defend its Jewish-Christian roots we will call together allies from all over the world, from Europe to Republican America, to remember that the values of the West cannot be questioned. The critical left? As models it has Salis, Fornero and Mrs. Boccia: nothing surprises me anymore.” And on Giovanni Toti, who decided to plea bargain, Salvini declares, “I do not comment on trial choices but certainly the Genovese investigation has clear political connotations. It had the goal and effect of conditioning politics and democracy. Fortunately, we have found a great man like Marco Bucci – esteemed by all – who despite health problems has chosen his love for Liguria.” A mention also of the meeting between Marina Berlusconi and Mario Draghi: “Everyone is free to meet everyone, if Draghi’s solution is still ‘more constraints and more European taxes,’ we do not agree. Mediaset? With Silvio Berlusconi, it has always been a great bulwark of freedom, especially compared to other entities enslaved to the left. I hope it continues to be so because I don’t want to believe certain backstories.” And on the facts of Viareggio, where a woman killed a man who had robbed her: “No one is absolving the lady, who will be judged by those in charge,” Salvini commented, “but if instead of stealing Said Malkoun had been at home or at work, he would not have run any risk.
Finally, when asked about a balance sheet of his two years as minister, he replied, “In less than two years, we have approved the new procurement code that favors the realization of works, the new highway code is ready for approval, the salva casa is yielding great results, and we have made historic investments in roads, highways, and railways: the works may have created some inconvenience, in recent weeks, especially for trains. But it is a duty to intervene to modemize the network.” And on the U.S. elections, “I confirm that I hope for the victory of Donald Trump and the Republicans, because there are those who are bringing us closer to World War III. We must help Kiev, but I am against attacks on Russian territory.”
– photo Photogram Agency –

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