Salvini “No to Ius Italie, yes to hard line on migrants”

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “I don’t like to waste time in the debate on how to give more citizenships. It’s a surreal debate. We only need to engage on salaries, pensions and how to help businesses.We are the European country that gives more citizenships today. The problem does not arise. I refuse even to consider any proposal in this sense indeed I add the proposal of the League on which we will ask the majority what they think is to take away citizenship from immigrants who commit crimes.” So says Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Intrastructure and Transport Matteo Salvini in an interview with “Il Giornale” on Antonio Tajani’s proposal for an Ius Italie to obtain Italian citizenship. “I when I give you citizenship it’s like giving you the duplicate keys to my house; then if you do the drug sex party and smash my house I take the keys away. I’m not surprised if these things of easy citizenship are said by the left who don’t know what to do about it. These are things that have nothing to do with us. With the allies I find myself in love and agreement and we will govern together for another three years,” the Carroccio leader concluded.

photo: Photogram Agency