Scannapieco chairs ELTI assembly, Esg funding of 125 billion

HELSINKI (FINLAND) (ITALPRESS) – The 32nd ELTI General Assembly, the association of Europe’s National Promotion Institutes, meets for the second time under the chairmanship of Dario Scannapieco, CEO of the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) Group, and confirms the commitment of the network established in 2013 to foster growth on the Continent by promoting the demands of long-term investors.As also witnessed in the pages of the recent report on competitiveness presented by Mario Draghi, National Promotion Institutions will play an increasingly central role in promoting sustainable development in Europe. In this context, ELTI (European Long Term Investors Association) has proven to be much more than just a network that brings together the various European CDPs, and in the first year of Scannapieco’s presidency, elected in July 2023, it has seen its members’ funding for green and social projects grow to more than 125 billion euros, up from 100 billion in 2022. This is a strong signal of the direction taken by the association, which is increasingly contributing to the goals of the European Union, combining ecological transition and economic development.For the future, “we have established a clear roadmap,” said ELTI President Dario Scannapieco. “We will continue to intensify coordination among the various national promotion institutions in order to make bold investment decisions in strategic sectors and increase co-investment opportunities in start-ups, scale-ups and high-tech companies. ELTI will be at the side of the European institutions for an increasingly competitive Europe, thanks to the contribution of its members who have in-depth knowledge of the markets in their countries while supporting the long-term growth of our Continent. “Among the milestones already achieved by the Association, thanks in part to a fruitful dialogue with the EU institutions, is the extension of the deadline for the implementation of InvestEU program operations under the Next Generation EU budget, one of the main initiatives to support investment in the Continent. Added to this is the broadening of the membership base, which just during the Helsinki General Assembly saw the entry of new institutions: the Danish EIFO and the Romanian BID.A growing process that aims to strengthen ELTI’s influence throughout Europe, while extending its ability to mobilize resources and investment in crucial sectors. With its current 33 members, joined by the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Investment Fund (EIF) as permanent observers, ELTI is now a network managing assets worth nearly 2.8 trillion euros, a potential that makes it a key tool for the future of the Continent.

– Photo press office Cassa Depositi e Prestiti –