PALERMO (ITALPRESS) – Sicilian Regional President Renato Schifani made a surprise visit to Palermo’s Villa Sofia Hospital to see with his own eyes the situation gripping the facility following a report received on New Year’s Day, with the orthopedics department found to be collapsing and several patients waiting several days for surgery, as the operating room was working at a rather reduced pace due to insufficient parasanitary staff. “Among other things, we saw a serious organizational deficiency resulting from the absence of nursing staff in the orthopedic department, which had crippled so many surgeries that we identified as many as 14 patients waiting for surgery, broken femurs and others,” Schifani pointed out to Italpress. “We wanted to verify what is going on. We clarified our ideas.” An issue on which the president wanted to see clearly to give a steering and an important sprint and, above all, a signal. And now there will be internal verifications: “There are a complex of responsibilities of course,” Schifani added. “We will work to identify responsibilities but at the same time to solve the problems of public health. I wanted to check for myself and also do so bilaterals with the operators because it is right to know, to come and talk.”- photo Ipa agency -(ITALPRESS).