Schifani “World pauses for reflection to stop war escalation”

ASSISI (PERUGIA) (ITALPRESS) – A strong and heartfelt appeal for the world to return to listening to the reasons for peace and to commit itself, in the name and sign of St. Francis. This was pronounced by the president of the Sicilian Region, Renato Schifani, in Assisi, on the feast day of the patron saint of Italy, speaking at the meeting between the authorities held in the Town Hall, in the presence of the mayors of the Umbrian city, Stefania Proietti, and of Palermo, Roberto Lagalla. “The moment we are living through,” Schifani said, “is difficult. Current events afflict us with the cruelty of war events in which innocents are exterminated every day, with conflicts that risk deflagrating in an unstoppable spiral. Today must be a day of strong and conscious prayer, so that the world may stop and reflect, so that escalations that affect us, but also future generations, may be avoided. However, our country is making efforts, within the Atlantic alliance, so that we may return to reason. But the international scenario is becoming more and more complicated as the current conflicts widen. A picture that becomes more and more worrisome. Let us pray, then, for the least, for a healthy democracy and for peace. That peace that St. Francis always invoked in his daily mission.”- photo press office Sicilian Region -(ITALPRESS).