ROME (ITALPRESS) – “Giorgia Meloni is coming to tell the courtroom where she stands. If she has decided to wear the shirt of Europe or the Trump cap.” Pd secretary Elly Schlein told the newspaper “La Repubblica,” speaking about the Paris summit. “The premier must first of all explain what she intends to do,” she added, “Decide whether to side with Europe or with the American president. We have been saying for weeks that one cannot stand on two feet forever. What has happened in recent days imposes a choice of sides. What is yours? It’s time to give an answer: to Italy before us.”
Schlein recalls that “Trump sent his deputy, J.D. Vance, to Munich to launch an unprecedented attack on Europe. On values first: a community that is founded on democratic principles and the rule of law cannot take lessons from an administration that tramples on fundamental rights and excludes the EU and even Ukraine from peace negotiations. It is necessary for both to play protagonists at the negotiating table to build a just peace, involving the United Nations because only multilateralism is capable of making international law and dialogue prevail over the use of force. Above all, we need Italy to sit on the right side: that of a Europe that reacts united and united to the tycoon’s provocations. This is not the time for distinctions.”
Schlein recalls that “Trump has never hidden, his design to weaken Europe he has always declared. That is why I find it absurd that he can lock himself into bilateral relations instead of working on greater European integration to avoid ending up on the sidelines. On this Italy can give a propulsive push. Today,” he warns, “if you add up the military spending of all 27 European countries, you find that it is higher than that of China and Russia. If we get together, we save as well, sharing investments and research. The international scenario has changed, Europe cannot delegate the continent’s security to others, even more so after Trump’s announced disengagement. So common defense is necessary.” But “those allergic to common investments are her allies in Europe,” so “I hope Meloni will strike a blow instead of silently attending the nationalists’ reunions convened by Salvini.” The Meloni-Trump friendship “does not seem to me to have prevented the frontal attack on the EU, and therefore on Italy, nor the tariffs, nor the exclusion from the peace talks. That’s why we say that now he has to choose.”
– Photo Ipa Agency –