ROME (ITALPRESS) – Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi has sent a directive to prefects to emphasize the importance of identifying, by means of special ordinances, urban areas where the presence of dangerous subjects or those with criminal records can be banned and their removal can then be ordered.”It is thus extended to other cities this tool that has already given positive results during its first application in Florence and Bologna where, in the last 3 months, a total of 105 subjects were the recipients of removal orders out of 14 thousand people checked,” the Viminale explained in a note, which continued: “The use of so-called ‘red zones’ is part of the broader strategy aimed at ensuring the protection of urban safety and the full usability of public spaces by citizens. Such ordinances are particularly useful in contexts characterized by widespread crime phenomena and situations of degradation, such as railway stations and surrounding areas, as well as ‘drug dealing squares,’ where high-impact inter-force operations are already in place.”The measures can also be applied in other urban areas, such as nightlife areas, which are characterized by a high concentration of people and businesses and where there are often episodes of petty crime (thefts, robberies), violence (fights, assaults), vandalism, alcohol abuse and degradation.In view of New Year’s Eve, the application of “red zones” for the Ministry of the Interior “also represents an additional effective tool to strengthen controls in the areas of greatest attendance, including during the many shows and events planned.”
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