ROME (ITALPRESS) – “It cannot be denied that the ANM, with its blatant protests in the face of the proper exercise of the mechanisms of legislation, has created great nervousness in relations. There is a risk of moving from dissent, whether agreeable or not, to a worrying signal of intolerance.” Thus Deputy Justice Minister Francesco Paolo Sisto in an interview with Corriere della Sera. “On the detention of migrants,” he adds, “measures have also been formulated that, by disapplying the Safe Countries Decree Law, have in fact undermined the government’s immigration choices. If we add the questionable choice of Rome prosecutor Lo Voi to place half the government, including the premier, on the register of suspects for flimsy crimes….” “For someone to be placed on the register of suspects,” he continues, “it is necessary that the facts have relevance to criminal hypotheses, are determined and plausible,” he explains, “And instead, in the case of the Libyan commander’s release, the hypothesis of personal aiding and abetting is resoundingly belied by the release ordered by the Rome appeals court. And embezzlement is unthinkable for the use of a state aircraft at the disposal of the Minister of the Interior, which is always used for expulsions of foreigners.”
-photo Ipa Agency-.