Space bill, House gives green light. Urso “Italy points the way”

ROME (ITALPRESS) – The House chamber has approved the space economy provisions bill with 133 votes in favor, 89 against and 2 abstentions. The text now passes to the Senate for final approval. The measure, proposed by the Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso, the delegated authority for space and aerospace policies, regulates access to space, promotes investment in the space economy to increase national competitiveness, incentivizes research and development of skills and to enhance Earth observation technologies useful in the prevention of natural and man-made hazards.

Attached to the 2024 budget law, this law fills a regulatory gap, providing for the first time an Italian legislative framework for the space sector, anticipating European Union initiatives on space regulation and positioning Italy among global leaders in the sector.


“Italy shows Europe the course for space. We are the first country to adopt a law on the space economy, which strengthens our technological sovereignty and projects our industrial system into the future. A model that will inspire European legislation and consolidate our leadership.” This is how the Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy and delegated authority for Space and Aerospace Policies, Adolfo Urso, commented on the approval in the House of the Space DDL. “In this context, the feasibility study that Comint has entrusted to the Italian Space Agency on the technological, economic and production potential of a national low-orbit satellite constellation for institutional and security purposes fits in. I thank the Chamber of Deputies and all parliamentary groups for the fruitful work done together, responsibly and effectively,” Urso concluded.

-photo Ipa Agency-.