Taekwondo, Fita awards honorary black belt to a 100-year-old woman from Emilia

ROME (ITALPRESS) – Women’s Day, and what a woman! Norina Mattiuzzi from San Giorgio di Piano, in the Bologna area, where she was born 100 years ago. A century she celebrated in a very special, unique way. Among the many gifts she received was an honorary black belt, which the president of the Italian Taekwondo Federation, Angelo Cito, wanted to deliver personally. Next to him was Vito Dell’Aquila, Olympic champion in Tokyo.

Norina was one of the protagonists of the “Taekwondo Over 65” Project that Fita strongly wanted. A way to spend time and keep physical and especially mental trained. And the result was seen, in the “exam” taken by Dorina and 34 other “young talents.” The many years spent in the fields, the war, a marriage, five sons and as many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Norina is an example to all. Her eyes are as alive as her hands centering the taps held by master Mauro Bastelli.

Guests from the community applaud, President Cito and the Olympic champion approach and dutifully wave and smile. “You and all the people who live here, you are an example to all of us. I look at you and think you are all black belts.” Norina returns the affection, with sober emotion. Then she reaches up to her ear and asks, “Are you the mayor?” Tenderness.

– photo Italian Taekwondo Federation –