Tax burden grows again, in 2024 it will touch 42.6 percent

ROME (ITALPRESS) – In 2024, the overall tax burden (amount of direct, indirect, capital and social security taxes as a ratio of GDP) was 42.6 percent, up from the previous year (41.4 percent), due to a growth in tax and contribution revenues (+5.7 percent) higher than that of GDP at current prices (+2.9 percent). This was announced by Istat.

In 2024, the Italian economy recorded a volume GDP growth of 0.7 percent, the same as in 2023. Gross domestic product at market prices was 2,192,182 million euros at current prices, up 2.9 percent from the previous year. This was reported by Istat, explaining that “development was stimulated by both a positive contribution from domestic demand net of inventories (+0.5 percent) and net foreign demand (+0.4 percent), while the contribution from the change in inventories was slightly negative (-0.1 percent). On the supply side of goods and services, value added posted
growth in agriculture (+2.0 percent), services (+0.6 percent) and, to a lesser extent, industry as a whole (+0.2 percent).” The growth in production activity was accompanied by an
expansion of labor input and incomes.

– Istat Press Office Photo –