Eh no, Sangiuliano’s resignation as Minister of Culture is not enough. Ms. Boccia continues her battle in the media, traditional but especially social. She goes to Bianca Berlinguer on Rete 4 but in the end, at the last, she does not go to the studio. Controversy to no end and the presenter who, in response to the controversy, says what she wanted to say and what Bianca did not want her to say without evidence: namely that it was Arianna Meloni, sister of the premier and de facto head of Fratelli d’Italia, who blocked her appointment to the Ministry of Culture.
Then, not content, Lady Boccia now attacks and threatens again on social media the Minister of Agriculture Lollobrigida, saying that it is not true that they did not know each other and that there had been a beginning of collaboration there as well. The minister clarifies and even turns to the powerful Undersecretary Fazzolari to settle the matter. Meanwhile, center-right newspapers attack her by publishing evidence that she did not teach at the University of Naples, but she says that is a falsehood, the Power forces the university to tell the falsehood.
Here, this is the point: this whole affair where everything is in it, gossip, politics, institutional ethics, media language, plays on the question of questions of all time: is it true or is it false? In this we Latinos have been late copying the rules of Anglo-Saxon public discourse. If a politician tells falsehoods about a love story, he will be no more credible when he speaks to the nation about the economy or missiles. There is no shortage of examples, Clinton above all at the time of his affair with Monica Lewinsky. His wife Hillary forgave him lies, Americans did not.
If our politicians of the First and Second Republic had been subjected to that criterion, the victims would have been much more than for Tangentopoli. With us, everything and the opposite of everything is said, everyone forgets. The Internet, on the other hand, the Goddess of our age, knows no right to forget, and there Lady Boccia continues on the path of her revenge. Where will she get to? To the next installments…
The article The American Boccia comes from TheNewyorker.