“The Courage to Try. Merit and women’s leadership in a book

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “I never thought I would write a book, but when the publishing house proposed it to me I accepted because I thought: maybe in my own small way I can give the example of an absolutely normal person, born in a small provincial town of two thousand souls, from a very normal family of teachers, a woman to boot, who had the courage to try to achieve her dreams. The main thing is that your starting point does not determine neither who you are nor who you want to become.” Cristina Scocchia, CEO of Illy Caffè, said this during the presentation of her book “The Courage to Try. A story against the wind,” organized by Comin & Partners. Cristina Scocchia is one of the few women CEOs in Italy, one of the very few to hold this position three times, and she decided to tell her story for the first time in this book with journalist Francesca Gambarini.An autobiography that tells how important it is to be a team player both in companies and in the country system, in order not to fall behind. The author reminded that “those who have a leadership role, at any level, cannot ignore these dynamics and it is time to replace power optics with a mindset based on values and people. It is necessary to give everyone, without distinction, without exclusions and gaps, the opportunity to demonstrate their talents, because the starting point should no longer determine who you can become, leadership is not power, it is responsibility. “The book presentation was attended by Antonella Polimeni, Rector of La Sapienza University, and Francesco Occhetta, Jesuit Father and Lecturer at the Gregorian University.”Women’s leadership is the landing place of an overall process and at the same time a challenge that must be met with courage, but also with the conviction that we can do it,” Polimeni said. “Examples like Cristina Scocchia’s,” she added, “help to support young women who take paths that are often tiring and uphill. Her path represents a successful role model not only for those entering the world of work, but also for those already in positions of responsibility. His unwavering commitment to personal and professional growth, combined with the importance he places on education and human connections, is a strong message of inspiration. “In a message, University Minister Anna Maria Bernini emphasized that “the book is the outline of a career, the story of a story that is out of the ordinary in its outcome of great success, but of surprising simplicity in its approach. ‘The Courage to Try’ is the summary of a journey, where ‘trying’ means recognizing talent, nurturing it and making it grow. Sharing it. It means nurturing aspirations. Giving merit and structure – hence courage -, to one’s abilities. Getting out of the box, including, indeed especially, by teaming up. It is together that the great challenges must be faced.” For Bernini it is “a personal and choral message at the same time that I like to think is addressed to the new generations of managers. To the women -to the people- who every day contribute, with their determination in work and in life, to battering the wall of prejudice. To the men -to the people- who accompany and support. Because no one wins alone.”

– Photo xc3/Italpress –