The Trump era

The theme of the week is definitely Trump’s Inauguration Day. Donald Trump has officially taken office in the White House and is no longer President-elect, but true President of the United States for the second time after losing in 2020, not without controversy, not without drama, the challenge to Biden.

The Italian newspapers also talked about it of course, the live television broadcasts informed us about the context, we would say all the “language of the Court,” since it was inside, not outside, for weather reasons, since it was cold in Italy, and it was very cold, and even colder, in America. Who was there and who was not there, the clothes, the body language, the big symbols, the symbols of power, the symbols of economic wealth or whatever.

Then there was the keynote speech, that is, one who speaks, in this case he is President of the United States (not someone who is around the corner here) who tells in summary his idea: Golden Age begins, America First, what changes in domestic policy, what changes in foreign policy, what changes in the economy, what changes with respect to the environment, energy, rights. A real agenda: Trump also explained what changes with respect to immigrants. A worldview that is more than Republican, I would say conservative, however, with America at the center. In short, there are so many reactions.

I point out that for the first time, the heads of the world’s most important big tech were present, not only Elon Musk (who then caused a row over the Roman salute that is perhaps the result of a form of odism, perhaps yet another provocation) but Jeff Bezos was there, Zuckerberg was there: so the big bosses, who are very rich of course, but they are also very powerful, who own the most modern technologies, those of communication. The ones that a great philosopher like Luciano Froli calls the ICT, Information Communication Technology, that is the most important companies in the contemporary world, basically they were there, but not to kiss the slipper to power.

The relationship with power these companies have always had, it doesn’t start with Trump, as a part of the Italian mainstream says: they have always had this relationship with power, even with Democratic power of course, not only Republican and not only with Trump, but certainly this time, for the first time, these gentlemen or their men will have roles in Trump’s governmental team. A big world change that will also involve Europe, which will also involve Italy. Speaking of Italy, Giorgia Meloni, our premier, was the only European leader present. Some say this was bad, (as Slank argued, who told Meloni, “ask yourself why you were the only one present”), many, on the other hand, say, starting with herself and those who support her, that it was good. I say that, too, because we Italians are struggling to understand that that was the Prime Minister, in the masculine as she wants to be called, the State, our Nation, not the leader of Fratelli d’Italia who fights every day with those from the supposed wide camp, from the PD or 5 Stelle, Landini or Green and Left Alliance. So it was Italy and for Italy to be present there, at the big political event of the week, opening a new world era of politics, can only be a good thing.

The Trump era article comes from TheNewyorker.