Three individuals under investigation following British yacht disaster

The investigation into the sinking of the British yacht Bayesian, which claimed seven lives including English magnate Mike Lynch and his eighteen-year-old daughter Hannah, has expanded to include three suspects. The initial notice was issued to Tim Parker Eaton, the yacht’s engineer, who is accused of failing to activate safety systems that could have sealed the ship’s hatches, leading to flooding and a blackout during the storm. Shortly after, Matthew Griffith, a 22-year-old watchman, was also placed under investigation for manslaughter and negligent shipwreck for allegedly failing to issue a timely storm warning.

As the investigation continues, the yacht’s captain has been issued a new passport after losing the original in the wreck. The captain, who chose to exercise his right to remain silent during a recent interrogation, is expected to return to Spain, where he resides with his wife. While all crew members are allowed to leave Italy, the situation remains tense with significant injuries evident on some of the crew, including a noticeable knee wound on Captain Cutfield. Meanwhile, the six surviving passengers, including Lynch’s widow, have already left Italy on a private jet.

Autopsies on the seven victims have been delayed as the Termini Imerese Prosecutor’s Office has yet to assign experts. The bodies remain in cold storage at Palermo’s Rotoli Cemetery and the Institute of Legal Medicine. Environmental monitoring continues in the area where the Bayesian sank, with Coast Guard teams using specialized equipment to test water quality and ensure no pollutants have leaked from the wreck. An anti-pollution vessel has been deployed as a precautionary measure to respond to any potential oil spills.