Transplantation, Company Zero and Ismett together to train Calabrian doctors

PALERMO (ITALPRESS) – Strengthening the skills of professionals of the Calabrian health system in the management of patients in need of transplantation: this is the objective of the agreement signed today by the Director General of the Azienda per il Governo della sanità of the Region of Calabria, Gandolfo Miserendino, and Angelo Luca, Director of IRCCS ISMETT-UPMC (Istituto Mediterraneo per i Trapianti e Terapie ad alta specializzazione) and CEO of UPMC Italy.The purpose of the agreement is to establish a collaboration aimed at the specific training of physicians and health service professionals from the Region of Calabria involved in the processes of care of ISMETT-UPMC patients suffering from terminal solid organ failure or candidates for transplantation programs.The training courses will take place not only through their participation, as observers, in the management activities of the care pathway of patients hospitalized at the Sicilian institute, but also through their presence at training events and moments of discussion with physicians for the management of any needs of patients from the Region of Calabria in pre-intervention assessment and in follow-up.Alongside the planned training activities, the agreement includes the possibility for professionals from Calabria to meet with ISMETT-UPMC medical directors in both pre- and post-hospitalization phases, an aspect that will allow patients undergoing surgery at the Palermo IRCSS to have access to follow-up visits at the Calabrian facilities without having to move from their territory.The contact persons for the three-year agreement will be for Azienda Zero the medical director, Domenico Minniti, and for ISMETT-UPMC the medical director Cinzia Di Benedetto and clinical director Antonio Arcadipane.”Collaborative actions established between healthcare companies aimed at improving the training of physicians and health service operators in the Region of Calabria, such as the one being defined today with ISMETT, are always an excellent response to improving the quality that the Regional Health Service must guarantee to citizens,” said Azienda Zero’s General Director, Gandolfo Miserendino. I express my satisfaction with the signing of this agreement, and I thank ISMETT and the Region of Sicily for this opportunity that will allow us to provide more effective responses to Calabrian patients in need of transplantation. “This agreement is a fundamental step to improve the care of transplant patients, offering professionals the opportunity to acquire advanced skills for more effective pre- and post-transplant management. We are proud to share the experience of ISMETT and UPMC to contribute to the growth of the territory’s healthcare system, in line with our mission,” said Angelo Luca, Director of IRCSS ISMETT-UPMC and CEO of UPMC Italy.

– photo press office Ismett -(ITALPRESS).