Turkey, Pkk announces ceasefire

ROME (ITALPRESS) – Kurdish militants of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) have announced a ceasefire with Turkey, following their leader Abdullah Ocalan’s call for the group to disband.
As reported by the Anf news agency, the PKK in a statement stressed that “leader Abdullah O’calan’s statement on Feb. 27 is a manifesto that illuminates the path of all the forces of freedom and democracy. We pay tribute to the Apo leader for providing our people and humanity with a manifesto of democratic society.
In this context we declare an effective ceasefire as of today to pave the way for the implementation of the Apo leader’s call for peace and a democratic society. None of our forces will take armed action unless attacked.” In the statement, moreover, the PKK points out that “only the practical leadership of the Apo leader can make issues such as disarmament practical. The Apo leader’s call is certainly not an end, but rather a new beginning. It is of historic importance to address the content of the appeal with great responsibility and seriousness and implement it successfully in every field. Therefore, let us try to correctly understand the characteristics of this new process and fulfill its tasks successfully.”
-Photo: Ipa Agency-