Ukraine, Meloni “We will not send Italian soldiers”

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “At the London summit I expressed my perplexity about the Franco-British proposal to send European soldiers: in my opinion it is very complex in implementation and I am not convinced of its effectiveness. It is the reason why we said we will not send Italian soldiers, but surely it is a moment when all those who make proposals are doing a useful thing, in an attempt to seek a solution.” Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni told “XXI Century” on Raiuno.

“Beyond what it may seem, the tones give the impression that the positions are far apart, but in reality they are not, because the goal is shared: to bring a just, stable, lasting and definitive peace to Ukraine, which includes security guarantees. This serves Ukraine, European countries – particularly those that feel threatened by Russia – and it serves Trump, who is a strong leader and who clearly cannot afford to sign an agreement that someone tomorrow might violate,” Meloni stressed.

“Certainly the moment is not easy for anyone, these are decisions that are not taken lightly. Before making a choice you have to weigh it, you have to keep calm and try to think as lucidly as possible, always looking at the goal. For me, the priority is always to defend the national interest, and I believe that it is in the national interest to avoid any possible fracture within the West, because divisions would only make us weaker,” the premier said again. “This is the reason why I asked for a meeting, to talk frankly about how we want to deal with this specific issue but, in general, with the great challenges that Europe and the West face.

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