Ukraine, Trump to Starmer “Let’s work hard to end war”

WASHINGTON (UNITED STATES) (ITALPRESS) — At a press conference at the White House, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer applauded President Donald Trump’s commitment to ending the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but also stressed that “it cannot be peace that rewards the aggressor.” “History must be on the side of the peacemaker, not the invader,” Starmer said after leaders held talks on the Russia-Ukraine war that has been going on for three years. Trump said negotiations to end the conflict are “at a very advanced stage. “The tycoon revealed that he is confident Russian President Vladimir Putin will not insist on restarting the war should a truce be reached. “We are working hard to end this war. I think we have made a lot of progress, and I think it is moving very quickly. I want to thank all the people who are here and who have been working on this, and we will let you know what happens,” Trump said.During the conference Trump was asked if he agreed with what is written in Article 5 of the NATO treaty, which in fact requires member countries to defend each other: “I support it, I don’t think there is any reason not to support it. I think we will have a successful peace, I think it will be a very lasting peace,” Trump added.The U.S. president then made it official that he had accepted an invitation from King Charles, which came via Starmer, to visit and meet with him. Trump also revealed that Sir Keir Starmer had “tried” to convince the U.S. president not to impose tariffs on U.K. imports, adding that the taxes could be avoided.

– photo xp6/Italpress -(ITALPRESS).