ROME (ITALPRESS) – An important work of coordination at the national level and a date circled in red on the calendar to present its instances in Europe: Emilio Di Marzio, president of Andisu (the national association of bodies for the right to university study), outlines in an interview with Italpress the objectives of the body to ensure the maximum welfare of students in terms of services and innovation. The first aspect on which he dwells is the role played by Andisu in Italy: “Our task is to coordinate the activities of 42 bodies that have a different conformation: they are regional, provincial and afferent bodies of the universities. There is a rather composite reality that is summarized in a body that has the function of exchanging best practices, institutional representation at the ministry and defining a standard of services. It is a function that is certainly useful to both entities and institutions, which can find in Andisu a single interface, instead of 42 entities that carry out an activity for the right to university study all along the peninsula to make sure that the able and deserving, even if without means, are put in the conditions to aspire to the highest degrees of studies.”
“A meritocratic society requires increasingly well-prepared young people and essential skills: merit, however, requires freedom from want, we try precisely to unleash it; a young person who does not come from a family with too many books or large bank accounts must be enabled to emancipate himself.” Another central theme for the institution is technological innovation on which, Di Marzio explains, “we try to ensure a uniform standard of services throughout the country: an example is the transition of the canteen ticket from paper to digital, but also for access to benefits such as canteens, scholarships and residences today there are digitized procedures. With platforms and apps we aim to guarantee students a very strong connectivity with our institutions: there are realities that have some differentiation around Italy, but we still try to provide a minimum standard.” Not to be underestimated, indeed to be averted, is the risk of differences between one area of the country and another: “Territorial divarication can have a heavy impact on the quality of services,” explains the president of Andisu.
“I’m thinking of the Lea and the explosion of economic need for scholarships: in recent years, the decision to expand the number of beneficiaries and raise the Isee thresholds, which allow participation in the merit evaluation, has generated precisely an explosion of need, which is indicative of a particular social and economic complexity affecting the southern regions but not only. We always have a positive and profitable interaction with the ministry and local authorities for the interest of our students.” The March 18 date will be a crucial node for the body to make its voice heard at the European level: “The exchange of good practices also concerns the European dimension, from which we can gather innovative experiences. Ecsta, the equivalent body of Andisu that centralizes the various European bodies, will hold a decisive meeting in Antwerp on particularly important issues on March 18: I will be present and will try to make a useful contribution, with the hope that it will become the subject of interlocution with the new European commissioner for Education and Training,” Di Marzio concluded.
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