Zaia “On end-of-life no ideological battle, exists since 2019”

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “Everyone’s ideas should be respected, those who are in favor, those who are against and those who have doubts. After that I do not compromise on one aspect, the fact that there is a country where some people are so hypocritical as to make citizens believe that the end of life does not exist. The end of life in Italy exists and is authorized by a 2019 Constitutional Court ruling. In Veneto from 2019 to date we have had seven requests, four rejected, three approved, two saw the management of the end of life of these two poor terminal patients and one in which the patient died for other reasons. The ruling has two major shortcomings: it does not say in what time frame the Ulss must respond to the terminally ill patient and it does not establish who must administer the medication.” Thus the president of the Veneto Region, Luca Zaia, a guest this evening on “White Zone” on Rete4.
As for palliative care, “we are the first in Italy for palliative care, national data say so, more can be done and we would miss it. But for me it is unacceptable to say that the answer to this end-of-life demand is to invest in palliative care. The patients who have come to us refuse palliative care, they make it a choice of dignity. It’s such an intimate thing that it’s not for us to judge, I think we have a duty to respect the will. This is not an ideological battle, in fact I hope that there is a no-fly zone that this is not a battle that has a political tunic,” he added. As for the situation in the Veneto region, “a passage has been made and the numbers are those, so it would not pass. We are thinking of making sure that there is at least a regulation, a circular that establishes a rule as to the response time,” Zaia concludes.
-Photo: Ipa Agency-