Nordio “On Albania abnormal ruling, we will take action”

PALERMO (ITALPRESS) – “The reaction of politics has not been against the judiciary but against the merit of this ruling. It is not a polemic against the judiciary, but against a type of ruling that we not only disagree with but even consider abnormal.” This was said by Justice Minister Carlo Nordio on the sidelines of a conference in Palermo regarding the Rome court’s decision that the migrants, who were transferred to Albania, should be returned to Italy.
“It cannot be the judiciary to define a more or less safe state, it is a decision of high politics. These decisions also risk creating diplomatic incidents because defining a friendly country like Morocco as unsafe can also create problems,” he added. “If we considered countries where there are rules that we have repudiated such as the death penalty to be unsafe, then the United States would not be a safe country either and should even be expelled from the United Nations. These are matters of high politics that cannot, must not and will not be left to the judiciary.” How to overcome this situation? “We will take legislative action,” Nordio stressed. “As a former magistrate, I would consider it almost sacrilegious to think that the government to which I belong would declare war on the judiciary, which, moreover, it is not and never will be.
If the judiciary exceeds its powers, as for example in this case, attributing to itself prerogatives it cannot have such as that of defining a safe state, then politics must intervene because politics expresses the will of the people. We answer to the people,” he continued, “if the people do not agree with what we do we go home. But the judiciary, which is autonomous and independent, answers to no one, and so for this very reason it cannot assume prerogatives that are exquisitely and essentially political,” the minister concluded.
-Photo: Photogram Agency-