BOLOGNA (ITALPRESS) – Promote tourism development, strengthen the identity of villages, regenerate buildings in a sustainable way and develop infrastructure and services dedicated to sports, leisure, sociality and the inclusion of families, young people and tourists. Also, investing in economic and production chains and enhancing digital services. These are the guidelines of the 20 projects planned for the Bolognese Apennines thanks to the Integrated Territorial Strategies for Mountain and Inland Areas (Stami), with a total investment of about 13 million euros. The details of the planned actions were the focus of the meeting held today in Marzabotto (Bo) between the regional councillor for Mountain and Internal Areas, Davide Baruffi, with the mayors of the 15 municipalities included in the local Stami: Camugnano, Castel d’Aiano, Castel di Casio, Castiglione dei Pepoli, Gaggio Montano, Grizzana Morandi, Lizzano in Belvedere, Marzabotto, Monzuno, San Benedetto Val di Sambro, Vergato, Loiano, Monghidoro, Monterenzio and Alto Reno Terme. Also present at the meeting were the administrators of the Bolognese mountain municipalities not included in the National Strategy, to share and strengthen the approach of the Metropolitan City of Bologna and the Region, which aim to integrate all development and cohesion policies of the territory. “After yesterday’s meeting with the administrators of the Forlì-Cesena mountains, today took place the second stage of the comparison path that in the space of a month will lead the Region to meet all the local administrators of the internal areas- says Baruffi. The Bolognese Apennines has characteristics that make it possible to focus on the enhancement of villages, tourism development and a sustainable quality of life, as well as the strengthening of digital services. A 13 million investment will come here, part of the total funding of more than 100 million euros allocated by the Regional Council to the Stami. Excluded from the Strategies financed at the national level, even the Bolognese Apennines therefore find a very important response thanks to the regional programming, which has chosen to support all the mountains of Emilia-Romagna- concludes the councilor. The available resources are essential to ensure the competitiveness and attractiveness of these territories, enhancing their vocations and offering a quality of services that will allow the establishment of new business activities. “The meeting with Councillor Baruffi- comments Valentina Cuppi, mayor of Marzabotto and president of the Unione Comuni Appennino Bolognese- is important to take stock of the projects already underway and the next initiatives that the Region intends to put in place for the Apennines in the new mandate. It is necessary to move forward together: municipalities, Unions of Municipalities, the Metropolitan City and the Emilia-Romagna Region to ensure further development of the Bolognese Apennine area.It is the forum in which the instances of each territory can be brought, in which we can compare and elaborate ideas and proposals for the path to be implemented in the coming years.”
photo: press office Regione Emilia Romagna