The Summer of the Leopard

Let everything change so that nothing changes. This is one of the famous phrases from The Leopard, immortalized in the world more by the film than by Tommasi di Lampedusa’s novel. We liked to begin here, in homage to the great Alain Delon who just passed away, in reflecting on the poisonous summer of Italian politics .

No concrete facts but many warnings, for some sure signs of future investigations and probable plots to bring down the government. It is above all Italia Viva with Secretary Renzi, but also Don Boschi and Paita, who started the dances by asking for a parliamentary report to the alleged activism of Arianna Meloni, the premier’s sister, in the field of appointments, participations and Rai. In what capacity and in what role? Fdi’s reaction was linguistically furious and just preceded the Prime Minister’s intervention predicting a Berlusconi-style conspiracy.

Seizing the air, shall we say, is the usual Sallusti who in the usual Giornale talks about the usual system, prosecutors, media, politics, ready to subvert the democratic outcome of the 2022 elections. How many such articles did Sallusti write in the Giornale during the Berlusconi era? But the Cav has been dead for more than a year and his heirs wink at the left on immigrant rights and citizenship. Everything changes and yet nothing changes.

At the helm of the center-right is now Giorgia Melonii, the dominant party is no longer Forza Italia, however, the pattern is still the same and Renzi himself ensures a certain catlike continuity. Of course, if there was ready an investigation on Arianna Meloni for alleged influence peddling, now the frame of controversy is already served. However, Nostradamus-like sensations in Italy should never be taken in jest as a paranoid Augustinian display. Andreotti, one who knew a thing or two about Power, used to say, thinking wrong doesn’t go to heaven but is often right.

The article Summer of the Leopard comes from TheNewyorker.