Maria Rosaria Boccia cancels interview: drama unfolds on Rete 4

Maria Rosaria Boccia cancels interview: drama unfolds on Rete 4

Bianca Berlinguer announced with evident frustration on her show “È sempre Cartabianca” on Rete 4 that Maria Rosaria Boccia would not be appearing for the planned interview. Despite Boccia’s initial commitment to participate without any financial compensation, her sudden withdrawal has created a stir. Berlinguer revealed that Boccia had arrived at the studio, prepared to go live, but later chose to postpone, citing insufficient information provided about her case.

Boccia, who sent a message to Berlinguer read out live during the show, stated that she canceled the interview because “the conditions were not right to explain the situation fully.” She insisted that there was no romantic or sexual relationship with the former Minister, Gennaro Sangiuliano, which she believes would be clear from a phone call involving Sangiuliano’s wife.

Berlinguer highlighted that Boccia’s last-minute change of plans came despite her own expectations and the fact that Boccia had willingly agreed to participate. The situation has been further complicated by a recent interview with Concita De Gregorio, who confirmed that Boccia denied any personal relationship with Sangiuliano, asserting only a non-romantic, supportive connection.

As the situation with Boccia remains unresolved, the focus shifts to the ongoing investigation into former Minister Sangiuliano, who faces allegations of embezzlement and breach of official secrecy. The investigation, triggered by a complaint from Green party parliamentarian Angelo Bonelli, is now in the hands of the Tribunal of Ministers, which will determine Sangiuliano’s fate within 90 days.

In the meantime, the Italian judiciary and media continue to navigate the complexities of this high-profile case. The Court of Auditors will also be scrutinizing potential financial misconduct related to public funds, further adding to the legal and political drama surrounding the former minister and his associations.