Confimi-Confsal, first Intersectoral Contract for manufacturing SMEs

ROME (ITALPRESS) – Confimi Industria and Confsal have presented the first Intersectoral National Collective Bargaining Agreement (CCNIL) dedicated to the manufacturing sector. This agreement represents a historic turning point for industrial relations, involving numerous manufacturing sectors, including textiles, chemicals, plastics, rubber, food and wood-furniture. The contract-signed by the parties last March 21 and excluding from bargaining the mechanical and construction sectors, which Confimi Industria signs with other trade unions-introduces a series of significant innovations that define new standards for the management of industrial relations, responding to innovative logics already introduced by the main manufacturing economies of Europe and aiming to improve the working conditions of its employees, both from an economic and relational point of view. The new CCNIL, signed by Paolo Agnelli, president of Confimi Industria, the Confederation of Manufacturing Industry and Private Enterprise (45,000 companies, 650,000 workers, 85 billion in aggregate turnover and more than 50 operating offices in Italy) and Angelo Raffaele Margiotta, secretary general of Confsal, General Confederation of Autonomous Workers’ Unions, also marks a turning point in terms of flexible bargaining, confirming the two-tier structure, of safety in the workplace, with a strong commitment to prevention and training, supported by investments in MOG-SGSL certifications and legal protection for supervisors. Paolo Agnelli, president of Confimi Industria, stressed, “Since our founding 12 years ago, our goal has been to reform labor relations. And one of the ways we thought of from the beginning was to unify a number of manufacturing contracts. We succeeded, and we did it with Confsal, an interlocutor who was interested in our project. This contract unifies intersectoral standards for manufacturing SMEs, reducing fragmentation and laying the groundwork for quality bargaining and the fight against wage dumping.” Confsal Secretary General Angelo Raffaele Margiotta, speaking about the value of the dialogic relationship between the parties said, “What does this contract represent? It is proof that in order to have results, a method based on confrontation and constructive dialogue between the parties is necessary, and they recognize their intent to combine the needs of businesses with the protection and welfare of workers, creating a new contractual model based on the quality of content and clarity of exposition. We are convinced that the specific mission of the union is to do bargaining, quality bargaining, which we are now proposing to companies and workers through this CCNIL. “The signing of this contract marks a fundamental milestone for the future of the Italian manufacturing sector and for the improvement of working conditions, with the aim of creating a fairer and more competitive industrial system. “I have read your contract. I find it fundamental to enhance the training path as provided for in your new contract model. Positive is the reference to worker participation in corporate boards.” Thus Marina Elvira Calderone, minister of labor, speaking at the proceedings. “I look very carefully and favorably,” she explained, “at anything that, within the social partners, can become a tool for simplification and provocation for the evolutions of the role to be exercised by those who represent the employer and union instances. “In response to those who have questioned in recent days the scope of the CCNIL signed by Confimi Industria and Confsal, Walter Rizzetto, chairman of the Labor Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, spoke directly to the confederations and the audience of guests: “Pirate contract? Pirates were outlaws then let’s say privateer, because it was he who authorized by the government fought alongside it. I like this contract, I really like the whole part about worker participation, and you will have the regulatory framework to refer to because next week we start looking at the bills in committee.” Positive opinions and endorsements also came from former Minister of Labor Nunzia Catalfo, who stressed that the CCNIL is “an example of quality bargaining, I can only hope that it will be expanded,” and from former Minister of Labor Cesare Damiano: “Here we are not facing a pirate contract but a contract with a different approach. The setting of the minimum wage at 9 euros is revolutionary; we are facing a contract that sets a minimum wage standard. I have studied the standards and advise everyone to do so.” There was no shortage of voices from some of the guests in the room, among all, Marco Rizzo who intervened stressed “I don’t know if it is the best possible contract but it is the beginning of a road because the CGIL, in the first place, does not want the minimum wage as a law even though it says so, because it loses de facto bargaining representation. Here you are challenging the concertative union on one side and Confindustria on the other you are brave you are good pirates and so you are fighting against something static that will sink the country.” Going into detail, the Intersectoral Agreement signed by Confimi Industria and Confsal provides, among other things: the possibility is given to companies with more than 100 employees to include a workers’ representative on the Board of Directors so as to strengthen the active participation of employees in company decisions; the minimum tabular wage set at 9 euros per hour is introduced, an innovative measure in the national panorama that guarantees greater economic protections to workers who until now, even at the industrial level, were below this threshold. Value – among other things – repeatedly indicated by Brussels; 4-day work week: it will be possible to spread the weekly working time, set at 36 hours, over 4 working days, while keeping the wage unchanged. A measure designed with the dual purpose of supporting employees in work life balance and in allowing companies from “seasonal” production to better organize workflows; the promotion of “capacity” with incentive formulas and dissemination of result bonuses that recognize the employee’s higher qualification. A meritocratic formula that overcomes the rigidities linked to the levels hitherto in use; simplification: in fact, the contract is composed of a general and transversal part for all sectors of manufacturing and a special one that addresses in a punctual manner – where present – the typicalities of the production sectors involved. A work of simplification that is also extremely supportive of the professional orders in support of businesses.

– photo press office Confimi Industria –