Budget Law, Tajani: "Excess Profit is Incomprehensible, an Extraterrestrial Concept"

Budget law, Tajani: “Excess profit is incomprehensible, an extraterrestrial concept”

“Forza Italia leader and Deputy Prime Minister Antonio Tajani said in an interview with ‘La Stampa’ that Minister Giorgetti is seriously working with the ministers on the new budget law. ‘Everyone must contribute by paying the taxes that already exist. As long as we are in government, there will be no new taxes,’ Tajani stated. ‘The concept of excess profit is incomprehensible,’ he added, ‘If someone earns a lot, they will pay taxes according to our existing tax system. Excess profit is an extraterrestrial concept. The dialogue with the banks must always remain open, especially to reassure foreign investors who are interested in Italy.'”

“Our public spending amounts to one trillion euros: 10 billion represents 1% of this spending, which we can recover through better management efficiency, cutting waste, privatizations, selling unused assets, and liberalizations. But I remind you that we especially need to reduce the cost of public debt. We must do everything possible to lower interest rates and reduce the cost of money. Liquidity is needed in the pockets of businesses and families. I believe that Giorgetti’s words have been misinterpreted. In fact, the stock market decline lasted only a few hours,” Tajani continued.

Lastly, on the issue of Ius Scholae, the Forza Italia leader said: “I believe that, little by little, even the parties we are firmly allied with will open up to a practical and responsible discussion.”