Carnival tourism in Italy has the wind in its sails. This year it is worth more than 450 million in the period that includes the weekend, Monday and Shrove Tuesday, in short between Feb. 28 and March 4. A survey conducted by CNA found this. The survey focuses in particular on ten flagship locations of Italian ‘masquerade’ tourism: Venice, Viareggio, Fano, Ivrea, Putignano, Cento, Acireale, Sappada, Sciacca, and Mamoiada. The data are not only related to the municipalities directly affected by major carnival events, but cover the entire territorial district, showing a spotty positive spillover. It emerges from the survey, moreover, that also driving Carnival tourism, and thus of a traditionally lackluster period such as this one at the turn of February and March, are foreigners. Venice is clearly at the top of the podium. Its Carnival, moreover, is the one that attracts the most tourism from abroad, thanks to the city’s timeless charm. Behind the lagoon capital in terms of economic movement is Viareggio, the town of decorated floats, an authentic factory of excitement and fun for children of all ages. In third place tied are the two events with a long history held in Ivrea, with the famous Battle of the Oranges, and Fano. (ITALPRESS).
-Photo: Ipa Agency-