With Assad’s fall, “a difficult transition full of unknowns opens: on the one hand, victorious rebels already split into factions, on the other, the will to restore a democratic system. But also divisions in the Arab world, extremists who hate each other, border tensions: Lebanon, Iraq, Israel, Saudi Arabia, which is not a neighbor but a neighbor, and Turkey.” Thus Defense Minister Guido Crosetto in an interview with La Stampa, for whom “this context gives power to Erdogan. A pragmatist. He may no longer settle for economic aid, but exploit EU fragility to aim for entry into Europe. For Turkey, a revolution: monetary stability and huge prospects for industry, but with a negative impact, of equal magnitude, on EU industry.” As for Lebanon, after the Syrian collapse, according to Crosetto, “it has been in a desperate condition for a long time. With the collapse of Syria and the Hezbollah crisis, triggered by Israel’s war the picture is getting worse. And we must defend, without giving up one point, the truce in the South or risk apocalyptic scenarios.” That is why the minister calls for changing the rules of engagement: “There must not be a single Hezbollah weapon in the blue zone, either the UN coalition guarantees it or Israel with tanks. I have been saying this, unheeded, for months, but now no one can turn a blind eye.” Finally, on the controversy related to the 2 percent of GDP for military spending, Crosetto clarifies, “Italy must seriously address the issue and not hide behind alleged ‘obligations’ because NATO or Trump asks for it. We must defend Italy, prepared to face even tough crises.”
-Photo: Photogram Agency-