UDINE (ITALPRESS) – “Let young people be at the center of the collective responsibility of all public and private institutions. Today’s is the right opportunity to make an appeal to everyone: the young graduates in whom we invest so much must be retained, we must all act so that the costs of their training are offset by the benefits they can leave in the territory.” This was said today by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region’s Councillor for Labor, Training, Education, Research, Universities and Family, Alessia Rosolen, speaking at the inauguration of the 21st academic year 2024-2025 of the University of Udine’s “di Toppo Wassermann” School of Higher Education.
“This school is a demonstration of the educational excellence and confidence with which Friuli Venezia Giulia invests in higher education. In the last three years the region has invested over 82 million euros in the university system, not counting the resources allocated to the right to study, infrastructure, and university buildings. The year 2024 for our region closed with a record number of employed people, women entering the labor market, reduction of the gender gap, growth in the number of young people employed and the number of permanent contracts.”
“Nevertheless,” Rosolen pointed out, “in the last 10 years we have lost more than 7,433 young people who chose to go abroad, 50 percent of whom were under 34 years old. Another 15,000 young people moved to other regions. Overall, the balance between those who leave and those who arrive is in the negative.”
According to the councillor, “the main reason behind this phenomenon is to be found in the low wages (Fvg has the lowest wages of all the northern regions) and the precariousness of contracts. The other reason has to do with the higher career possibilities and the quality of work-life balance that young people find abroad.”
After the regional councillor’s speech, the institute’s director Alberto Policriti announced that the university high school has been funded with 1 million 285 thousand euros from the Ministry of University and Research to enhance teaching and transition activities from school to university. During the ceremony, final degrees were awarded to the 22 students who completed their studies in the academic year just ended.
The school, founded in 2004, currently has 89 students, also from outside the region; on the other hand, 185 have graduated to date and now occupy important positions in private and public entities in Italy and abroad. The institute of excellence is supported by the Ministry of University and Research, the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region with the Regional Agency for the Right to Study (Ardis) and the Friuli Foundation. The ceremony, held in the Palazzo di Toppo Wassermann in Udine, was also attended by the rector of the University of Friuli, Roberto Pinton, the deputy mayor of the City of Udine, Alessandro Venanzi, the director general of the Regional Agency for the Right to Study (Ardis), Pierpaolo Olla, and the president of the Friuli Foundation, Giuseppe Morandini.
-Photo press office Friuli Venezia Giulia region.