March 8, Fumarola “Let’s restart with the inclusion of women in the labor market.”

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “Let’s restart with a well-contracted job, a secure, stable job, but above all we have to restart of the inclusion of women in the labor market, doing this means giving the country a prospect of growth, giving women the chance to realize themselves, giving women the chance, if they want, to bring children into the world. The value of women’s work is high, so much so that more women in the labor market could increase GDP significantly, so the investment must be in the direction of this inclusion.” This was said by Daniela Fumarola, general secretary of CISL, on the sidelines of the event “Women, Work, Future. Participation that makes the country grow.” “Doing this means promoting policies to support parenthood, giving women the opportunity to choose part-time only if they want to do so, because if there is a big problem it is precisely that of an involuntary choice of part-time because we need to reconcile,” she added. “We also need to intervene on a cultural level because it is not necessarily the case that women should have the contract of care and reconciliation.

For the general secretary of the ICFTU, “we absolutely need to promote bargaining in the workplace so that it can generate welfare available to women and men, we need to activate social bargaining because even through this tool we can implement structures to support women, men and families. We need to implement more participation in the workplace because where we participate and where women participate, the work is qualified, the enterprise is qualified and, therefore, I think it is good for everyone.”


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