Schlein “The right is not beaten by chasing it on its own turf.”

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “Europe is at a crossroads: either it is able to take a step forward on unity, or it will be obliterated. Because it is not a given, it has to be taken care of every day, and to face an offensive for which it is not at all prepared, the first thing it has to do is to overcome the power of veto and the rule of unanimity.” This was said by Pd Secretary Elly Schlein in an interview with the newspaper La Repubblica.For Schlein, “instead of suffering the trade war of tariffs, we should anticipate American moves by relaunching a major joint European investment plan. The Next Generation Eu spread 700 billion over four years. We would need at least twice that amount every year to invest in innovation, to accompany digital and ecological conversion, with a real European industrial policy to support energy competition in certain sectors,” he continues. “If Meloni wants to help Italy, she must help Europe change the rules, break down vetoes and remain united,” he adds. “Instead, it is risky to enforce bilateral relations with Trump. If each country starts to deal for itself, it is the beginning of the end of the strength that hal Union. It’s quick to go from first in the class to a functional tool for a plan of disintegration. “At dinner with other progressive leaders, I posed this problem: either we react united, avoiding leaving internationalism to the nationalists, or we will not be able to compete with the richest men in the world who come in with heavy interference in European politics. What we have to understand is that they are not unbeatable,” the Pd leader explained. “In Italy we proved it last year in three regions. Of course, we don’t beat them by chasing them on their own ground, copying right-wing positions on immigration or security. We win when we drag them onto the ground on which they are most uncomfortable: the great social issue. Low wages, high precarity, long waiting lists in health care, housing.”

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