Unique surgery on Bouveret’s syndrome at Garibaldi in Catania, Italy

CATANIA (ITALPRESS) – No such intervention on a case of Bouveret’s Syndrome is found in the official narrative. Arriving at the emergency room of the Garibaldi-Centro Hospital in Catania, following a stone obstructing the duodenum detected through a privately performed gastroscopy, a 64-year-old patient was diagnosed with Bouveret’s Syndrome with a cholecyst-duodenal fistula, a rare condition that is characterized by a high risk of mortality.In fact, there are about two hundred cases found in the last fifty years, with a very high mortality rate in those in which a timely diagnosis was not reached.After a careful discussion between the doctors of the Emergency Department, Dr. Enrico Piazzese, with the head of the Gastroenterology Unit of Arnas Garibaldi, Domenico Catarella, it was decided to intervene with a delicate endoscopic procedure, achievable only thanks to the advanced technological equipment, equipped with lasers and probes, in the operating rooms at Nesima Hospital.Not finding in the official narrative any intervention of this kind on a case of Bouveret’s Syndrome, they let the hospital know, the technique used, however long and complex, has a limited case history but is distinguished by its modest invasiveness, which saves the patient from a traumatic and risky surgery. “In order to be able to intervene,” Catarella explains, “I had to ask for specific reassurances from the anesthesiologist, Luana Raciti, who immediately put me in a position to work in tranquility and safety. Not having any findings in the narrative, we had to operate with caution, but thanks to everyone’s help we hit the target. “After some initial difficulties, the complex surgery was successfully concluded and the stone was fragmented and removed, returning the patient to the desired asymptomatic condition. Finally, at the examination of an additional follow-up computed tomography scan, performed 48 hours later, the woman is allowed to feed again and later accompanied to hospital discharge.”Early diagnosis, competence and timeliness,” emphasize the health facility, “were the decisive elements in defeating such a complex pathology, which in this case required the simultaneous action of two departments: the emergency department, directed by Giovanni Ciampi, and the surgical department, directed by Luigi Piazza. “This is yet another success of the multidisciplinary and professionalism of our operators,” stresses Giuseppe Giammanco, general director of the Arnas Garibaldi Hospital. We are happy that the patient has returned to normal life and I congratulate the medical and nursing team that made it possible to achieve this success.”- photo press office Garibaldi Hospital-Centro of Catania -(ITALPRESS).

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