Tensions Escalate Between Beppe Grillo and Giuseppe Conte

Tensions escalate between Beppe Grillo and Giuseppe Conte

Tensions between Beppe Grillo and Giuseppe Conte have intensified, with sources close to the Five Star Movement (M5S) founder revealing his deep frustration over a recent private letter from the former Prime Minister. Grillo is reportedly “extremely irritated” by the letter, which he views as bordering on blackmail, and has openly expressed his “anger and bitterness” towards Conte’s recent moves, including the latest campaign photo showcasing Conte’s alliance with Elly Schlein, Angelo Bonelli, Nicola Fratoianni, and Luca Magi. Grillo considers the upcoming October constitutional assembly, intended to possibly reform the party’s name, symbol, and two-term limit, as a mere “farce” designed to push him out and allow Conte to establish his own party.

In response, M5S leaders have dismissed Grillo’s criticism, portraying it as an attempt to manipulate the narrative and present himself as a victim. They accuse Grillo of engaging in a “legal and media guerrilla warfare,” noting that while he obstructs the constitutional process with legal threats, he also complains about the necessary responses to his provocations. The M5S leadership emphasizes that Grillo’s actions, including letters from his lawyers aimed at disrupting the constitutional process, are a deliberate strategy to undermine the democratic reform process.

Conte’s forthcoming reply to Grillo’s letter is expected to be sharp. He has reportedly addressed Grillo’s concerns by affirming that no amount of legal maneuvering or sabotage will halt the democratic process. Conte’s response allegedly highlights the Assembly’s sovereign role and references the party’s statutes, specifically addressing changes to the party’s name, symbol, and term limits. Conte is said to criticize Grillo’s “domineering” attitude, which he believes undermines the legitimacy of the constitutional assembly, leading him to consider suspending Grillo’s contracts related to communication and publicity with the M5S.

In a last-minute appeal, Conte’s allies have urged Grillo to support the democratic process rather than undermine it. They suggest that Grillo’s ongoing sabotage could damage the party’s image and call on him to demonstrate his commitment to the M5S by allowing the community to engage in the reform process without interference. If Grillo continues to resist, there may be further repercussions, including the potential publication of their correspondence to keep party members informed.