Conte and Grillo clash over M5S internal disputes

Conte and Grillo clash over M5S internal disputes

Giuseppe Conte has issued a stern response to Beppe Grillo, accusing him of publicly portraying the Five Star Movement (M5S) in a way that undermines its principles. In a letter leaked to, Conte argues that Grillo’s recent public statements are inconsistent with the obligations he accepted regarding the Movement’s media and advertising contracts. Conte also hints at possible actions to suspend these agreements, questioning Grillo’s authority and challenging his claims of having a veto power over M5S’s assembly consultations.

Grillo’s response to Conte’s letter has intensified the conflict, with the founder accusing Conte of obstructing internal debates and decisions. Grillo has stated that any consultation on potential changes to the M5S’s name, symbol, or the two-term rule is off-limits, asserting that such discussions are not permissible. This legal feud between Conte and Grillo appears set to escalate, with speculation of meetings between their lawyers to discuss strategies and timelines.

The tension has sparked unrest within M5S. Some party members see Conte’s letter as a necessary move to protect the Movement from Grillo’s attempts to sabotage the constitutional process and stifle open debate. However, concerns are growing among the ranks. Some members are skeptical about the legality of terminating contracts and question how Conte could justify such a move without valid reasons. Others are disillusioned, likening the situation to an ongoing “epistolary novel.”

Despite the internal turmoil, the M5S constitutional process is moving forward. From now until September 22, members will decide on the key priority themes for the Movement. An email has been sent out to members to participate in a lottery to select 300 “sages” who will review and refine proposals for the constitutional assembly.

The internal strife within the M5S underscores the broader challenges facing the Movement as it navigates significant reforms and leadership conflicts. The outcome of this constitutional process will be crucial in determining the future direction and unity of the party.