Renzi “Wide field? If they don’t want us we’ll go it alone.”

The third pole “Calenda destroyed it for no reason. Now the center must opt between the right with Vannacci and Salvini or the left with Conte and Bonelli. Not an easy choice. But alone you don’t win, you can only make someone lose. I chose to stay with the center-left but I respect those who will go to the right.” Thus the leader of Italia Viva, Matteo Renzi, in an interview with Il Giornale. On the prospects for a broad camp, according to Renzi, “there is a clash between Schlein and Conte. Schlein says: let’s make the agreement on content. Conte, on the other hand, does not want us because he has not yet digested the replacement with Draghi. He lives with resentment for the past and insults me: but what does he want to expect from someone who claims to be a leftist and does not choose between Trump and Harris?” The former premier assures that in any case “we will be there in the 2027 Politics anyway, with an alternative list to the right. If the Schlein line wins we will be allies. If the Il Fatto Quotidiano line wins we will go without them. We want to represent the center within the center-left. If they don’t want us, they will make a left-left alliance and see how it ends.”
-Photo: Photogram Agency-